About Us
Canada has attracted people in search of a share of a dream from all corners of the world. Since Canada is known for its immigration history, Canadian society has often been described as a “cultural mosaic”. Composed of citizens from all over the world including Turkey (Anatolia) in Canada as a part of its cultural mosaic. Anatolia is also a region which has a legacy of ages that gave birth to today’s many great civilizations.
As for the ATIC’s Core Values:
1. Be dedicated to serving the community in accordance with the law of Canada and the universal humanitarian values.
2. Fight against all extremism, radicalism, exclusion, and discrimination; be against all kinds of violence;
3. Promote multiculturalism, tolerance, and intercultural, inter-faith and intra-faith dialogue; and
4. Serve through education, dialogue, community service and humanitarian aid to help eliminate or reduce ignorance, violence, conflict and poverty in their respective communities.
Our motto is “Embracing the future through the legacy of ages”. We hope to contribute to the cultural fabric of Calgary, like many cultures before us.